Sexual or relationship abuse and violence can take many forms. det365app想让你知道:


你没做错什么. You are not to blame for the harm someone else did to you.

你应该得到安全和支持. 你可能会经历一系列的情绪. There is no right way to respond to sexual or relationship violence.


Next steps

所有关于校园或大学赞助活动中的性暴力和关系暴力的报告都将由学院调查,可能违反第九条. 无论事件发生在哪里,投诉都将根据政策进行调查. Behavior that is illegal may be reported to law enforcement.  Depending on the type of misconduct, you can do any of the following:

获取信息和支持 from others before your decide what to do next. 你可以联系副协调员、辅导员、朋友和/或教职员工.

向学院作报告, 他们将启动第九条调查,并为你提供诸如禁止接触令之类的便利条件, 学术支持, 紧急住房, 如果合适的话. (链接到当前表格)

向执法部门报告 in the jurisdiction where the assault took place (if on campus, 那就是华盛顿市警察). Campus and Public Safety can assist you with that process. 如果你认为你可能想要报警,保存任何证据是很重要的. 这可能包括物证(包括你身上或衣服上的纤维或液体)和信息.

呼叫校园安全 (724-223-6032)或911寻求即时帮助,或者如果你担心你可能会再次受伤.

去看医生 including a wellness exam and emergency contraception.

与危机倡导者交谈 在校园(管理员呼叫小组成员- 724-223-6032)或在社区(华盛顿危机中心877-225-3567). 这些人受过训练,会倾听你的意见,并为你的所有选择提供信息和支持. 他们还可以帮助你决定是报警还是去医院.

Get crisis intervention and on-going therapy 我是学生健康咨询中心的.

申请限制令 防止罪犯在校内外联系你,即使你没有报警.

Additional Options for Recent Sexual Assault

医疗保健: 你可能受伤了,可以在急诊室或学生健康和咨询中心治疗. You can ask about medications to prevent some sexually transmitted diseases. 紧急避孕(一些药店不需要处方就可以买到)可以降低怀孕的几率. If you need transportation to the hospital, Campus & 公共安全部门可以协调或联系随叫随到的管理员来协调往返医院的交通.

性侵犯法医鉴定: If it has been less than 48 hours since the assault, 你可以在急诊室接受训练有素的护士的法医检查. The nurse will collect any evidence that may be on our body or clothes. You can have a friend or advocate with you. 这对你来说是没有成本的. You do not have to talk to law enforcement. 没有经过检查,很难向刑事法庭证明发生了性侵. 如果你想要考试的话, 最好不要洗澡, 换衣服, eat or drink, 或者去洗手间.


许多性暴力和关系暴力的幸存者说,对他们帮助最大的是朋友无条件的支持. You don’t need to understand what they’re going through to be helpful. 即使你不知道还能做什么, 说:“我很抱歉发生在你身上的事, 你没做错什么,” can be extremely validating for a survivor to hear. Providing emotional support can go a long way. Unless you have an immediate concern about the health of your friend, 要明白他们必须为自己的决定承担后果. 强迫别人做一个他们还没有准备好或不想做的选择是没有帮助的. 性侵犯和关系虐待是指其他人控制一个人的生活和身体. Recovery depends on getting that control back.


Survivors have a variety of reactions to trauma, 包括愤怒的感觉, frustration, sadness, or anxiety. 没有一种“正确”的回应方式.

在与幸存者交谈时, use language that validates the survivor’s experience, and reflect back to them what they’ve told you. 强调你相信幸存者和他们的感受,无论他们想如何处理他们的经历都是可以的. If a survivor is speaking to you about an event that happened years ago, 要意识到愈合是一个漫长的过程, 持续的过程.
